
Showing posts from March, 2022

Trip Preparations

Getting ready for this trip requires a great deal of time and thinking. Crossroads does a great job at helping in this area with all the information they supply. In addition, there is the training needed to prepare yourself for the rigors of this adventure. I signed up in August 2020 for the May 2021 trip which was cancelled. This turned out to be helpful for me as I was not in shape to make the ride even though I was training hard and was able to use the added time to get ready. I have ridden 14,699.2 mile since I signed up and feel much more prepared for the ride! We will see if my estimate of what it will take is accurate! Over the remaining two months I am working on increasing my endurance with longer rides and on the Neo 2T Tacx system for climbing as we have few hills in Florida to train on climbing!  Training for this ride has been a challenge. At 76 years old, I find my body does not respond as it once did so, it takes longer to reach goals for weight, speed and distance. Howe